Friday, May 25, 2018

Drama or No Drama
Originally posted on my Facebook page Mental Health Moments: January 15, 2018
I’m tired of the constant drama here on Facebook as well as on the news. I’m tired of it but it’s everywhere. How do you get away from it? You can’t! But you can choose to not participate as much as possible. Someone put an ugly comment on my Facebook feed the other day. I really wanted to say something in response. I crafted a really good one too!! I was going to put that guy in his place!!! ... But I didn’t. I changed my mind. It’s a free country to speak my mind and it’s a free country to shut up too. I chose the latter. Even though what he said still kind of burns me up a bit, I’m a bit more peaceful just staying out of the drama. Wise choice.
Danni Andrew
(C)copyright 2018

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