Friday, May 25, 2018

Power of Prayer

Originally Posted on my Facebook Page Mental Health Moments: December 23, 2017

I am a firm believer in God and the power of prayer. I try very hard not to plaster my personal business across Facebook as I don’t think it’s necessary to print all details as God knows. To be more specific when I ask for prayer maybe it’s because I have done something or found myself in a situation where I would prefer not to tell the whole sordid story because it’s embarrassing. Recently I found myself in one such a situation and I didn’t give many details I just asked for prayer. I received over 100 wonderful prayers from sweet Christians lifting prayers to the heavens for me. But I have this friend who is not the praying type, but more of the type that questions the whole God thing. Instead of praying this friend simply called and asked what I needed. I don’t mind telling what the problem is I just don’t post it on Facebook. This friend set about helping me solve the problem. I’m a firm believer in prayer but I think maybe we should spend more time “doing” as well. This friend may not believe in God but I think this person understands more than many of the believers do. I’m taking a note out of that notebook! Thank you!
Danni Andrew
(C)Copyright 2017

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