Friday, May 25, 2018

My Perfect Life?

Life happens!! No one grows up in a perfect life! You can’t just decide everything is wonderful and what went wrong in your life isn’t going to affect you anymore because it does! Someday it all comes out somehow. You snap at a friend and you don’t mean to or your stomach starts to bother you or you develop health problems and the doctors can’t tell you what’s wrong with you... All because of internalized anger and sadness. How do you fix it? You work through it! The key word is “through”! You can’t pretend it doesn’t exist or it doesn’t matter. No matter how much you tell yourself it doesn’t matter, it does... walk through the pain! Dig it out by talking to a therapist or your pastor or... someone. Just deal with it so it doesn’t affect your life anymore. Because YOU are worth it!! It’s time!
Danni Andrew
(C)copyright 2018

Originally posted on my Facebook page Mental Health Moments: 
April 19, 2018

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